Cristiano Ronaldo’s Boys Underwear Competition Tweet Among Worst-Ever Social Media Gaffes (Photo)


Oct 23, 2013

Cristiano Ronaldo gave his 22 million Twitter followers cause for concern Tuesday.

The soccer superstar tweeted an unfortunately worded message, in which he expressed his “pleasure” at seeing photos of, get this, participants in the official CR7 Boys Underwear Competition. Ronaldo, or the people who handle his social media activities, soon deleted the tweet — but not before it was retweeted more than 1,200 times, prompting a collective, worldwide “ummm?”

The story behind the questionable tweet is actually innocent enough. When he’s not busy dominating the soccer world, the Portuguese goal machine is a brand unto himself. His signature, CR7, underwear line will offer boys’ sizes starting Nov. 1, and he organized a “CR7 Boys Underwear Competition” to promote the new products.

The competition’s Facebook page asks fans to “Upload your best, craziest, and funniest fan image showing your love for CR7 and win a trip to meet Cristiano Ronaldo and seen [sic] him play a match! The first prize covers three lucky people, so bring a grown-up and your best friend.”

Predictably, many youngsters participated in the CR7 Boys Underwear Competition, and Ronaldo let them know how he felt.

Cristiano Ronaldo boys underwear competition

It’s safe to say Ronaldo will have a long talk with his PR people in the coming days or weeks … if he hasn’t already done so.

Have a question for Marcus Kwesi O’Mard? Send it to him via Twitter at @NESNsoccer or @mkomard, his Facebook page or NESN Soccer’s Facebook page or send it here. He will pick a few questions to answer every week for his mailbag.

Photo via Buzzfeed

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