Tucker Carlson’s Comments on Michael Vick Establish New Low, Signify Time to Move On From Saga

Political pundit Tucker Carlson may have brought us to the very bottom when it comes to criticizing Michael Vick.

Carlson's comments about Vick, in which he said the Eagles quarterback "should have been executed" (comments that stemmed from political point of view, but that's another story) for his role in a dogfighting ring, are burning up the Internet. But with his comments setting the standard for a new low of public criticism of Vick, isn't it time to just let it go?

First things first. What Vick did was despicable. What Vick did was horrible. What Vick did was inexcusable. There's no getting around that. This is in no way to say that we should let Vick off easy from here on out.

However, the guy seems to be a changed man. By all accounts, he's doing everything he should be doing, and he's behaving like a model citizen. He's educating young people on the stupidity and recklessness of what he did. He's keeping his nose clean.

In short, the correctional system, well, corrected him. If Vick were to have been executed for his dogfighting (the "if" to end all ifs, by the way), he would not be the position he is now. Not as an NFL superstar again, but as someone who could actually be looked at as a role model for kids. And if "role model" is too strong for your liking, "educator" should suffice.

Vick served his time. He learned his lesson. Now, he's able to share that lesson with others.

Even if you don't agree that a rehabilitated Vick has the potential to change lives for the better, and not just on Sundays, you have to move on. At some point, Tucker Carlson and everyone else must let it go.

What do you think?  Leave a comment.

Carlson admitted to being a Christian, and he admitted to making mistakes. So isn't it in the very root of his beliefs to forgive someone, especially when they seem legitimately contrite?

I've moved on, even though I'll never forget what Vick did. In fact, when he comes to mind for myself and many Americans, it will be the gruesome images of dogfighting that are conjured first. But that's Michael Vick's burden more than anyone else.

You don't need to forgive Michael Vick, either, but he's served his sentences — from both the court of law and the court of public opinion.

He has paid his debts to society. It will never erase what he did, but at some point, we need to stop judging the man for what he once did, and start judging him for what he's become — a seemingly changed man.

Will you ever be able to let the Michael Vick saga go? Share your thoughts below.