Here in the United States, the Yankees are well known for their deep pockets, but this season, there are other global teams that surpass them in what they dish out annually for their players.
According to a recent study by, the two La Liga teams pay more than $7 million per player each year. Barcelona takes the crown, dishing out an average of $7.9 million per player. Lionel Messi is the highest-paid player on the Barca roster, raking in $31 million annually.
As for Real Madrid, contracts like the $27.5 million annual deal for Cristiano Ronaldo push them up in the standings. Madrid ranks second behind Barcelona, paying an average of $7.4 million per player.
The Yankees may have slipped to third place in the standings, but they still sign some hefty checks each year. The Yankees pay their players an average of $6.8 million per year, with Alex Rodriguez ($32 million), CC Sabathia ($24.3 million) and Mark Teixeira ($23.1 million) leading the pinstriped pack.
The Lakers and the Magic rank fourth and fifth on the list, respectively, paying an average of $6.7 million and $6.5 million to their players on a yearly basis.
The Red Sox is the only New England team to crack the top 12 list, coming in at No. 8. Boston will dish out nearly $6.2 million per player this season, with Josh Beckett ($17 million), John Lackey ($15.95 million) and Carl Crawford ($14.85 million) topping the list.