Tony La Russa Reveals He’s Been Offered Job as Elephant Keeper

The St. Louis Cardinals had a rally squirrel during their World Series run. But now that manager Tony La Russa has retired, could he begin grooming along the first ever rally elephant?

As Yahoo Sports' Big League Stew blog points out, the former Cardinals skipper revealed to David Letterman that he's already received a job offer. But it's not a managerial position or a television gig — two of the more likely scenarios.

Instead, La Russa insists he's received a job offer from a group called the Performing Animal Welfare Society, which is located just outside of Sacramento. Apparently, the group has offered La Russa a position as an elephant keeper.

The respected manager is reportedly a vegetarian who has his own animal foundation, Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation, so maybe he'll actually give it a whirl.

Yeah, you're right, probably not. But maybe he can help elephants become the next ballpark craze.