Bill Belichick Offering Up Plenty of Belichickian Pearls of Wisdom in Advance of Super Bowl XLVI (Photos)

Bill Belichick doesn’t come off as the most intriguing guy in the world. He’s usually mild-mannered, his quotes are typically dry and he rarely displays much emotion.

But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find that it’s quite the contrary. The Patriots head coach is actually one of the most interesting men in the world. Not Dos Equis Man interesting, but interesting nonetheless.

However, in order to appreciate his pearls of wisdom, you must demonstrate some wisdom of your own. What he says is actually much more complex than what’s heard by the average ear. You’ve got to analyze and ponder — ponder a lot — when it comes to finding the underlying meaning in Belichick’s words.

After combing through some transcripts and listening to some audio clips from Belichick during this week’s Super Bowl buildup, though, the real meaning behind the head coach’s words are becoming more and more clear. Join us, as we dive deep into the Belichickian language and see what he really means at his press conferences.

Click here to see 10 of the top Belichickian pearls of wisdom for Super Bowl XLVI >>