But that’s what has been happening as the NBA’s biggest stars continue to fill their postgame press conferences with eye-catching outfits, from the nerd look to just plain suave.
The NBA Finals have been no different. But this time, it’s Oklahoma City coach Scott Brooks who’s gushing over the clothing choices.
“Russell [Westbrook] can wear anything,” Brooks told the Oklahoman when asked about the fashion choices of his star point guard, who has been seen with lensless red glasses, a shirt that could double as a painter’s (used) canvas and a fishing lure-covered button-up.
But Brooks didn’t stop there, with the “as long as they keep playing the way they’re playing, I don’t care what they wear.”
“He’s great looking, he has an incredible body, a great smile,” Brooks said. “Anything, he’s going to look good.”
Before thinking the Thunder coach has a strange obsession, though, consider that Brooks may just have respect for fashion and the men who can pull it off.
“I have to dress up nice to look decent,” Brooks said.
Brooks does his best, but as you can see in the photo below, a guy still rocking a rubber wristband and some kind of rope bracelet may do well to tip his hat to those making forward-thinking fashion choices.