Were the famed Paul the Octopus still alive today, his status as the most famous animal psychic could be in serious jeopardy.
As it is, the cephalopod who gained widespread attention for his 2010 World Cup picks has been dead for nearly two years, and the aforementioned title can definitively be conferred on the newest predicting sensation — Jemma the Raccoon, whose latest pick was for China to win the medal count at the Olympics.
Jemma made her prediction by way of selecting the bun representing China off a table among three other country-specific buns. Her choice to finish second, Russia, is a bit of a dark horse, seeing as the country had only 28 medals heading into Sunday's events. China, by way of comparison, had 53. The U.S. is in the lead as of Sunday morning with 54 and has good chances to win more.
The Russian raccoon first gained fame when she correctly picked Spain's soccer team to win Euro 2012 earlier this summer.
Hat tip to Yahoo! Sports. Photo via YouTube/videos9148