‘LeBroning’ Meme Participants Flop On Ground, Mock Miami Heat Superstar

Miami Heat superstar LeBron James is known as much for his raw talent on the basketball court as he is for flopping dramatically to get foul calls.

James’ acting skills have now inspired an Internet meme mocking the superstar. The premise is simple: bump into an unsuspecting person, throw yourself to the ground, then stare up at the person angrily and incredulously. The new social media trend has spread on video apps Vine and Instagram, and there aren’t enough Golden Globe awards to go around for all the great acting.

Here are a few examples of people “LeBroning.”

[protected-iframe id=”ca4f4b1312c4bbdd34b141fd786789ee-38215605-47183501″ info=”https://vine.co/v/bYvvXH2YYQt/embed/simple” width=”600″ height=”600″ frameborder=”0″]

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Even soccer players are making fun of James for flopping.

[protected-iframe id=”fd215323f36e376ef990e59ea2d71043-38215605-47183501″ info=”//instagram.com/p/iw59xPzKhU/embed/” width=”612″ height=”710″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”]

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And here’s the inspiration himself in a glorious supercut of flopping moments.