Rice and Janay Palmer married Friday night in a ceremony that was a few weeks in the making, according to ESPN’s Adam Schefter. The union comes just under two months after Rice and Palmer got into an altercation at an Atlantic City casino that led to both being arrested. Rice allegedly hit Palmer with his hand an knocked her unconscious, according to the police summons.
Both Rice and Palmer were initially charged with simple assault-domestic violence, but only Rice has been indicted. The aggravated assault charge Rice was indicted on is more serious than the initial simple charge, according to CBSSports.com.
Rice’s attorney, Michael Diamondstein, issued a statement Thursday saying that neither Rice or Palmer planned to move forward with the case.
“We deny Ray Rice committed aggravated assault. Neither Ray nor (his fiancée) Janay Palmer wish to prosecute the matter. Ray and Janay are together. They’re happy, and they’re in counseling,” Diamondstein said, via CBSSports.com. “We believe that as a matter of law that Ray Rice did not commit aggravated assault. We ask only that the public reserve judgment until all the facts come to light.”