Yankees’ Ground Crew Struggles Mightily With Tarp During Downpour (Video)

There’s a line in the movie “Bull Durham” that sums up baseball succinctly: “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains.” The New York Yankees’ ground crew was reminded Wednesday night that the rain part can be quite a doozy.

Torrential downpours invaded the Bronx during the Yankees’ game with the Texas Rangers. The storm quickly was on top of Yankee Stadium, and the field tarp was needed.

The grounds crew sprung into action, and that’s where things got a little bit dicey.

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As you can see, there wasn’t a whole lot the grounds crew could do there. The storm came in so fast and so hard that it made it impossible for the crew to get the tarp down fast enough. The infield became a giant puddle, and the workers eventually had to cover the diamond with a drying agent.

The field started to look playable, but the rains eventually returned. The game ultimately was called, and the Yankees escaped with a 2-1 win in five innings.