Serbian Center Thinks His Beard Is Better Than James Harden’s (Photo)

When people think of massive beards in sports, they probably think of hockey players in the playoffs, rugged offensive linemen or Mike Napoli before thinking about basketball players.

James Harden of the Houston Rockets might be one of the only NBA stars to sport a grizzly beard, in fact. However, a lesser known basketball player from Serbia thinks his is superior.

Former Milwaukee Bucks center Miroslav Raduljica played for Serbia in the FIBA World Cup, and after his team’s loss to the United States in the championship game, he took to Twitter to claim at least one hairy victory.

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Good for Miroslav. He doesn’t have the talent that Harden does, but at least he can take solace and sleep better at night by claiming the battle of the beards.

The seven-footer actually had a solid tournament for Serbia, which included an accidental tip-in shot against France to help his team advance to the final against the United States. Team USA crushed Radulijca and Co., 129-92, to win the World Cup title Sunday.

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