Bill Murray Ditches David Letterman To Train For NYC Marathon (Video)

No one trains for the New York City Marathon quite like Bill Murray.

The actor and comedian cut his “Late Show With David Letterman” interview short Wednesday night because he got the urge for a quick training run in the streets of New York, with the race just days away.

“Oh, you’re gonna be mad. I’m really happy to be here,” Murray told Letterman. “(But) I sort of made a commitment to myself to enter this year. Can you handle things? … I really should get a run in.”

After rubbing some Bengay on his hands to help with his sore knees — don’t ask — Murray took off in his full tuxedo, but he didn’t wait too long to find some food and water after going outside. Murray refueled rather quickly, grabbing a water to go along with the pretzel he swiped from a pair of very confused onlookers.

Take note, future marathon runners. This is how you train.