J.T. Barrett To Cops: I’m Ohio State’s QB; There’s Nothing You Can Do? (Video)

J.T. Barrett was recently arrested, and he used the dreaded “Do you know who I am?” card.

The Ohio State quarterback was arrested on Halloween night and charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated after being pulled over near Ohio State’s campus in Columbus, Ohio. Barrett was suspended one game and eventually pleaded guilty while having his license suspended for 180 days.

TMZ Sports on Thursday released the dashboard camera footage of Barrett’s arrest. In the video, the arresting officer asks a very calm Barrett whether he’d been drinking. Barrett lies to him, saying he hadn’t, and then he’s given a field sobriety test.

The whole incident is relatively peaceful, but toward the end of the video, you can hear Barrett resorting to a last-ditch attempt to get help from the cops. He informed them that he was a quarterback at Ohio State and if there’s anything they could do to help. The answer to that, of course, was no, and he’s put in the cruiser.

See the video below.

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