Rob Gronkowski Chills With Grumpy Cat Ahead Of Super Bowl 50 (Photos)

Rob Gronkowski has some time on his hands this week since the New England Patriots aren’t playing in Super Bowl 50. And that means the possibilities are endless with Gronk visiting California.

Swing by NFL Experience? Check.

Rip the Pro Bowl? Check.

Give a super aggressive lap dance to a FOX Sports 1 co-host? Check.

Meet Grumpy Cat? Oh yeah, that’s a check, too.

Gronkowski posed for some photos this week with Grumpy Cat, who’s become an Internet sensation in recent years. The feline looked less than thrilled, obviously, but Gronk was all smiles.

This also isn’t Gronk’s first rodeo with kittens. Who knew he was such a cat lover?

Thumbnail photo via Twitter/@SIRIUSXM