Watch Texans’ Tom Savage Star In Shortest Press Conference You’ll Ever See

Bill Belichick would have been envious of Tom Savage on Monday night. Yes, really.

Savage threw zero touchdown passes and tossed two interceptions in the Houston Texans’ 23-16 loss to the Baltimore Ravens, a performance that was anything but Tom Brady-esque and featured this brutal fourth-quarter pick:

Yet Savage’s mediocre road outing may have afforded him what Belichick cherishes most: a (temporary) respite from dealing with the media.

Behold the Texans quarterback’s postgame press conference, which featured exactly one question asked by Savage himself:

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Here’s the full transcript:

Tom Savage: “We good?”

Savage: *Leaves*

Well said, Tom.

Lest you think Savage was blowing everyone off: There really was no one in the room, as a miscommunication about his press conference time meant most reporters still were in the Texans’ locker room when the QB took the podium.

According to Aaron Wilson of the Houston Chronicle, Savage eventually faced the music following the shortest press conference in NFL history.

At least he was less awkward about the ordeal than Eli Manning.