Magic Johnson ‘Really, Really’ Wants to Help NFL Return to Los Angeles

Magic Johnson recently sold his Lakers shares, reported to be worth $27 million. Now he could be looking to buy another sports franchise.

He had a conversation with the Golden State Warriors, but it didn’t go anywhere. He is not interested in buying the Los Angeles Dodgers or the Detroit Pistons, either.

What he is interested in is the NFL, the Los Angeles Times reports.

He made it clear that he has not been involved in any conversation with the NFL, but he “really, really wants the NFL to come back to L.A.”

“Would I be interested? Of course I would be interested,” Johnson told the Los Angeles Times. “Have I talked to anybody about it? No. But I would love … I would do that in two seconds.”

Johnson also sold his shares of Starbucks, reported to be worth $75 million.