"A Cinderella story, out of nowhere, a former greenskeeper now about to become the Masters' champion …"
Surely this was going through Bill Murray's mind as he lined up the winning putt at the PGA Pro-Am at Pebble Beach on Sunday.
(For those who understand the reference, Sunday's round was a gem to watch, as Murray channeled his inner Carl Spackler to finish off the final hole.)
For those who don't know who Carl Spackler is, well, it's time to rent Caddyshack.
The storied actor won the Pro-Am event with PGA tour veteran D.A. Points on Sunday. Murray, who was very animated while playing the always-amusing event, shined during the news conference following his performance.
Casually sipping a glass of red wine, Murray talked of his experience with the PGA pro, the course and interactions with fans.
Check out the beginning of his conference below.