Colombian Soccer Fans Bring Murdered Fan’s Coffin to Stadium During Game

There's a fine line between a sports fan and a sports fanatic. An example of the latter was on display at a recent soccer match in Colombia.

Colombian soccer fans took sports allegiances to a new level over the weekend when they brought the coffin — with the corpse reportedly still inside — of a recently killed 17-year-old fan into the stadium during a match, according to Colombia Reports.

The "Barra del Indio," a fanatical group of soccer fans, carried the coffin of Christopher Jacome into  General Santander Stadium while a match was going on. Jacome was recently murdered murdered while playing soccer at a local park.

Following Jacome's wake, the Barra del Indio reportedly took Jacome's coffin from the funeral home, parading it around the town before bringing it to the stadium.

Officials are investigating the incident.