How Many Wins Will Josh Beckett Have in 2011?

Red Sox pitcher Josh Beckett will take the mound on Tuesday night in search of not only his first win of the 2011 season, but the team’s first “W” of the year.

It’s been a rough start for the Sox, losers of three in Texas, and that’s a feeling that Beckett all-too-often got used to in 2010, the worst campaign of his up-and-down career.

In Beckett’s defense, he was hurt for much of the season and there’s no real telling of how healthy he was when he was back on the mound. Beckett proved in the 2008 playoffs a willingness to pitch through injuries, something that ended up costing him in the end as he was touched for 14 runs in 14 1/3 innings.

Health aside, Beckett’s numbers were not pretty in 2010. He posted a WHIP of 1.54 and an ERA of 5.78. He won only six of his 21 starts, his lowest win total since 2002 when he won six games as a 22-year-old in the Marlins organization making 21 starts.

By all accounts, however, Beckett put in the work over the offseason to get healthy, and ultimately stay healthy, in 2011. He struggled at times during the spring, but he certainly gave reason for optimism at times. He tied up his spring performance with his best effort of the exhibition season last week in Houston, looking as sharp as he has in a long time.

For what it’s worth, Beckett’s career has had an up-and-down trajectory to it, especially since he arrived in Boston. In his first season, 2006, he struggled, giving up 36 home runs. He bounced back in 2007 with the best season of his career before sandwiching another poor season in 2008 in between the dominance of 2007 and a strong 2009.

Beckett’s attitude and swagger may be what ultimately works in his favor the most. There’s no doubt that the Texas-born right-hander, who’s never been short on bravado, felt his ego take a bit of a blow last season. Red Sox fans would love to see the Beckett of 2007 (20-7) or 2009 (17-6) return, but there’s someone else who would like to see that Beckett return more than anyone. That’s Josh Beckett himself, of course.

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How many wins will Josh Beckett have in 2011?online surveys