James Laurinaitis Considering Following Father’s WWE Footsteps As NFL Lockout Option, Calls Out John Cena, Randy Orton

St. Louis Rams linebacker James Laurinaitis is a self-proclaimed "football junkie" and believes that there's a 95 percent chance that the NFL and the NFL Players Association are to reach an agreement.

If they don't, however, the former Ohio State All-American has a pretty solid backup plan and it would make his father one proud papa.

"I should take up pro wrestling. It'd be a natural transition," Laurinaitis told The Lantern recently. "I might have to try to get in the ring a little bit, take on John Cena or Randy Orton."

His dad, Joe, isn't your typical football father. He's better known as The Animal — a pro-wrestling legend who was recently inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. The Animal and his late partner Hawk made up the famous tag team, The Road Warriors (also known as Legion of Doom).

While Laurinaitis won't be considering a career in wrestling beyond a potential lockout, he does believe that it may be a good training platform for the time being.

"I'd consider it," Laurinaitis said. "You don't want to mess around and get hurt. But if it's just a few run-downs here and there or something, I'd maybe at least get some of the training done."