FOXBORO, Mass. — Former Patriots quarterback Drew Bledsoe knows his statistics are worthy of induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, but he's also very much aware that the process runs deeper than numbers.
When presented with the work that compared his place in history with other Hall of Fame quarterbacks, Bledsoe raised his eyebrows and took a moment to collect his thoughts.
Does he think he belongs in Canton?
"I don't know," Bledsoe told from inside The Hall at Patriot Place. "The résumé is part of it, but then there's also the voting component of it and how that shakes out. It's not something that I spend a lot of time thinking about. Obviously, it would be an amazing honor as this is. When you look at my body of work, stack it up, it works, but is that the only criteria? Who knows? I really don't know, don't have a sense for if that will happen, but it's certainly not something I need to feel gratified about my career. This is an amazing honor I've got today."
Bledsoe will be enshrined in the Patriots Hall of Fame on Saturday, and he was in town Thursday to get fitted for his red blazer (he'll wear a size 46 XXL). While he's thrilled over the current honor, it's only natural to look beyond the moment.
Yet, Bledsoe said it's not his place to determine whether or not he belongs in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
"If that were ever to happen, I would be surprised and humbled," Bledsoe said. "But it's not something I'm going to spend a lot of time thinking about."