Report: Cowboys Fan Used Stun Gun on U.S. Marine at Cowboys-Jets Game on 9/11 Anniversary

Some readers responding to Monday's story about a fan using a stun gun at the Cowboys-Jets game on Monday night argued that the tenth anniversary of 9/11 was no reason for fans to be more respectful or kind to each other than usual.

Very well. But if you're going to ignore the solemnity of the date and fail to keep the importance of sports in context, and if you absolutely must use a stun gun on a fellow fan on 9/11, it's probably better not to use it on a member of military.

One of the three fans who got hit with the stun gun by Leroy McKelvey, 59, of Moncks Corner, S.C., inside MetLife Stadium was a U.S. Marine, reports the Cliffview Pilot, an online newspaper in New Jersey.

"A Marine at the end of the row noticed that McKelvey and three others in his party would not stand or take their hats off for the national anthem," a law enforcement officer said, according to the Pilot. "So the Marine tells McKelvey he better not have to get out of the row cause [sic] he won't let him out."

"Sure enough," writes Pilot editor Jerry DeMarco, "during the halftime show, McKelvey got up. Words were exchanged."

McKelvey reportedly was released on bail.