ESPN’s Tom Jackson Says Michael Vick’s Dog-Abusing Past Divided Community, May Influence NFL Officials (Video)

ESPN's Tom Jackson made it clear on Sunday that he's not saying that NFL officials are doing anything biased against Michael Vick. But he also thinks we'd be naive to think they don't carry some feelings toward the Eagles quarterback because of his dog-abusing past.

Jackson said on Sunday NFL Countdown that all people hold feelings toward Vick because of his criminal past — either consciously or subconsciously. He said that there are some that forgive him, some that feel indifferent about him and some that hold ill will against him.

Jackson goes on to discuss how those people go out in the community and get jobs, including doctors, lawyers, sanitation workers and, yes, some become officials. He said he thinks Vick sometimes forgets that everyone has a view on what he did to dogs.

This comes on the heels of Vick saying after last Sunday's loss to the Giants that he doesn't get 15-yard flags like everybody else does.

To hear Jackson's comments, check out the video below. Thanks to Yahoo Sports for bringing this to our attention.