World Series Game 6 in St. Louis Postponed Due to Rain, Series Will Continue Thursday

Major League Baseball didn't wait for the real wet stuff to get to St. Louis before postponing Game 6 of the World Series as the pivotal game has been moved back a day.

Plenty of rain is in the forecast for Game 6 between the Cardinals and Rangers, and MLB decided that it will postpone the game, moving it to Thursday night at the same time. 

Texas will have a chance to clinch its first World Series title with first pitch coming at 8:05 p.m. ET.

"I think everybody pretty much was in agreement with the fact, that because of all the forecasting … the fact that we just didn't want to take a chance," MLB executive vice president for baseball operations Joe Torre said. "We anticipate it's going to rain. If it doesn't rain, you made the decision on what you knew."

The forecast for Thursday and Friday in St. Louis looks much better than the forecasted rain that is supposed to intensify throughout the night on Wednesday night.

The decision also helps MLB avoid another repeat of the embarrassing events of the 2008 World Series. The Rays and Phillies saw Game 5 stopped and then suspended when heavy rain hit Philadelphia. Tampa Bay had just tied the game, but the Phillies would win the suspended game two days later to win the World Series.

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