Dustin Pedroia Credits Vita Coco Coconut Water for On-Field Energy

Dustin Pedroia has no shortage of energy. That's obvious to anyone who's watched a minute of Red Sox baseball.

So what keeps him going?

Surely, the hard work that the second baseman puts in has a lot to do with his endurance, but he needs to refuel at some point. And when he does, it's Vita Coco Coconut Water that he turns to.

"I drink it in the dugout and games," Pedroia said. "I'm one of those guys that I'm always hydrating naturally because, shoot, I got a lot of energy and I'm running around everywhere and I want to make sure I don't get cramps."

If Vita Coco Coconut Water is going to ensure Pedroia stays on the field, I think Red Sox Nation would agree that it'd be wise to keep slugging it down.

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