The Bruins Bear Unleashes ‘The Ex’s’ Page on Pinterest, Includes Megan Fox, Brooklyn Decker, Holly the Ice Girl

The Bear couldn't be any hotter in the city of Boston right now — even his ex-girlfriends would agree.

Not only has the introduction to his new online show, The Bear and the Gang, gone viral, but The Bear is now showing off his former girlfriends on Pinterest.

Among his ex-girlfriends are fellow bears, Bruins Ice Girls and Hollywood celebrities. Megan Fox was one such celebrity, who The Bear claims to have given career advice to. He wrote, "After prom, [Fox] tells me she wants to be a paralegal. So I says, 'Megan, you're a decent looking girl. You should be in the movies.'"

Brooklyn Decker is apparently another one of his former flings. "I actually met Brooklyn IN Brooklyn. Just kidding, she was camping and I attacked her canoe. But things got real good after that."

As for a girl with a little more local flair, Holly the Ice Girl and The Bear "still hang out. Sometimes we'll watch movies. Other times she just combs my stomach while we eat hummus and watch old Wrestlemania's on VHS."

Check out the rest of The Bear's ex-girlfriends by visiting his Pinterest page.