Tom Brady Inspires Man to Give Kidney to Woman He’s Never Met (Video)

Tom Brady‘s contributions on the field can be broken down statistically. His contributions off the field, however, are immeasurable.

Brady recently inspired a man to donate a kidney to a woman he had never met, according to

Peter Hughes, a Spencer, Mass., native, reportedly had considered becoming an organ donor for some time, but it was an article about Brady’s efforts to find a kidney for his mentor, Tom Martinez, that finally led to Hughes acting on his good will.

Before Martinez passed away, Brady made a plea for kidney donors to help out his long-time coach, and Hughes was inspired. Brady’s plea directed readers to the Matching Donors website, where Hughes eventually set up a profile and agreed to make his contribution.

Hughes reportedly found Ajsa Bethiel of Lexington, Mass., a mother of two who had escaped war-torn Bosnia and was in desperate need of a new kidney. Hughes was a match, and he carried out the good deed.

“Had it not been for that particular article, I probably wouldn’t have done it,” Hughes said, referring to Brady’s effort to find a kidney for Martinez.

Obviously, this contribution is far more important than any Super Bowl ring Brady can bring to New England. And hats off to Mr. Hughes, because while he insists he isn’t a hero, it’s hard to refer to him as anything else.

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Thumbnail photo via Facebook/Tom Brady

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