Blake Griffin Lured Into Rainn Wilson’s Creepy Van to Talk Knee Surgery, Olympics, Bucket List (Video)

Blake Griffin is 6-foot-10, 250 pounds and built like a tight end. But the 23-year-old power forward has not yet forgotten the warnings he received as a child about not getting into creepy vans with even creepier strangers.

Griffin pushed aside his trepidation (do not do this at home, kids) to join comedian Rainn Wilson for a chat in Wilson's van, which is either awesome or creepy, depending on one's perspective.

Illuminated by a digital disco ball and against a fake backdrop of Fiji, Griffin discussed the meniscus injury that forced him out of the Olympics, the most random phone number in his cell phone and which country has the most intimidating basketball players.

Check out Griffin and Wilson's conversation in the video below.