Vote: Will Barry Bonds or Mark McGwire Always Be the Face of PEDs in Baseball?

Ever since a reporter asked Mark McGwire about a supplement seen in his locker, and Barry Bonds started hitting home runs at a rate never before seen, those two have more or less been the public face of performance enhancing drugs, not just in baseball, but largely across sports.

Well, Roger Clemens might have something to say about their rights to that noteriety, but PEDs have definitely come into a much clearer focus in Major League Baseball, again, as two Bay Area stars were busted this week for dabbling in synthetic testosterone. Some might call it quite a coincidence considering the infamous BALCO Laboratory also resides near San Francisco.

In any case, with Melky Cabrera and Bartolo Colon bringing the issue back to the limelight — you gave it your best effort, Ryan Braun — it seems logical to wonder what the legacy of the “steroids era” will be going forward.

So, which player will be the most-associated with PEDs in the future?

Will Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire Always Be the Face of PEDs in Baseball?

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