Refunding Gamblers Who Took Packers on Monday, Says ‘It’s the Right Thing to Do’ (Photo)


Sep 25, 2012 Refunding Gamblers Who Took Packers on Monday, Says 'It's the Right Thing to Do' (Photo)The Green Bay Packers and their fans weren’t the only ones who took a punch to the gut on Monday night in Seattle.

Sports gamblers across the globe also took a hit, as Russell Wilson‘s last-second Hail Mary not only beat the Packers, but it turned the winning bet around 100 percent.

The Packers led 12-7 prior to the play, and that would have covered the 3- or 3.5-point spread that most sportsbooks had for the line. However, the controversial call gave the Seahawks the win, and ensured that anyone who had the Packers winning ended up the big loser.

At least one online sportsbook — — is now trying to make right. Glen McGregor of the Ottawa Sun pointed out on Twitter that the Website is now offering refunds to bettors who had the Packers on Monday night.

“I can’t stand winning unfairly so I am going to give the punters their money back,” Sportsbook’s Russ Candler said, according to McGregor.

Check out the landing page that McGregor saw in the screen shot below. Refunding Gamblers Who Took Packers on Monday, Says 'It's the Right Thing to Do' (Photo)

Photo via Twitter/@glen_mcregor

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