Jason Kidd’s Rap Song, ‘What the Kidd Did,’ May Be Most 1990s Thing Ever Done (Video)

How do you send someone off into retirement the right way? By reminding them of all the embarrassing things they did when they were younger, of course.

With Jason Kidd‘s retirement announcement on Monday, this seemed like as good a time as any to remind people that the now-40-year-old veteran was once a head-bobbin’, rappin’ kid like everybody else. In 1994, just as Kidd was beginning his NBA career with a season that would net him co-Rookie of the Year honors, he teamed up with Money B of Digital Underground to create “What the Kidd Did.” The result was arguably the most ’90s-sounding thing ever invented.

Lean way back in your late-model Lincoln, turn on the hydraulics and cruise down Crenshaw Boulevard as you listen to “What the Kidd Did” in the video below.

Thumbnail via Facebook/Jason Kidd