It’s an age-old story. High school kids trash a guy’s house. Guy gets mad. Guy posts their tweets from the party on the Internet. Parents get mad and threaten to sue him because he could ruin their kids’ chances of getting into college.
No, seriously.
Brian Holloway, a former Patriots lineman and the man whose vacant house in Stephentown, N.Y., was crashed for a party attended by hundreds of high schoolers from the area, is now on the defensive from the unruly teenagers’ parents. Only one parent showed up with their child to help Holloway clean up the mess, and now some are threatening litigation if he doesn’t stop trying to out their kids on social media.
“You would not believe the calls that have come in, threatening to firebomb me or hurt or sue me — any manner of things,” Holloway told the New York Post. “Some complained that this will ruin their kids’ college plans. Others have threatened me, saying ‘Take my kid’s name down or I’m gonna press charges against you.’
“You’re going to press charges against me? C’mon, now. If that were one of my children, they would be doing a year’s worth of apologizing.”
Holloway is not speaking theoretically about “one of his children,” either. He’s a father of eight, so he has probably had to deal with his share of misbehaving children.
Holloway was with his family in Florida when his 19-year-old son noticed photos popping up on Twitter of 200 to 300 revelers at a party at Holloway’s home. Windows were broken, walls and floors were damaged and covered with graffiti, and alcohol and drug paraphernalia was strewn across the property.
Photo via Twitter/@BE_PhilD