Report: Peyton Manning’s Audibles Were Returned With Shouts of ‘Papa John’s’ from Eagles Defense

The Eagles defense became the latest victims in a long line of NFL teams unable to stop Peyton Manning from absolutely dominating on the field, but it wasn’t for a lack of creative effort on their part.

The Broncos steamrolled Philadelphia 52-20, and when they failed to lay actual hits on the Denver signal caller to limit the damage, they went with a different method of attack — they hit with their words.

As Manning was yelling audibles, the Eagles defense was reportedly attempting to either confuse or mock the quarterback, and they began responding back by yelling out the name of the pizza company Manning endorses. According to CBS 3 in Philadelphia, multiple players on the Eagles team were heard shouting “Papa John’s” at Manning throughout the game.

“Well I know—I think I might have heard ‘Papa John’s’ once, but I don’t know who said it, I mean that’s kind of funny,” Eagles linebacker Connor Barwin told WIP Radio in Philly on Monday.

Manning ended the day with 327 yards and four touchdowns against the Eagles, and in the process received some free advertising for the company that pays him a hefty chunk of change. Maybe the Cowboys in Week 5 will shout “Dominos” to really throw the quarterback off his game.

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