Former BC Goalie John Muse Takes Opponent’s Stick, Throws It After Having His Stick Stepped On (Video)

Whatever you do, don’t stand on John Muse‘s stick. Alexandre Bolduc learned that the hard way over the weekend in an AHL game between Muse’s Charlotte Checkers and Bolduc’s Chicago Wolves.

Bolduc was in front of Muse’s net during a game Saturday night in Charlotte, and Bolduc ended up stepping on and standing on Muse’s goalie stick. That didn’t sit well with the former Boston College netminder. Muse did what anyone in the same situation would hope to do. He just grabbed Bolduc’s stick out of his hands and threw it into the corner.

Bolduc appeared to plead his case somewhat to the referee standing right there looking at the play, but it was to no avail.

After the game, the Checkers put together a video set to Andy Samberg and The Lonely Island’s video “Threw It On the Ground.” It’s humorous, sure, but Bolduc and the Wolves got the last laugh with a 2-1 win over Charlotte.

The video is still kind of funny, and you can see it below.

Threw It On the Ground from Charlotte Checkers on Vimeo.