Bucks Fans Put Up Billboard Telling Team to Lose Games for Better Chance at Winning NBA Draft Lottery (Photo)

It’s not easy being a Milwaukee Bucks fan.

The franchise has won just two playoff series since the 1989-90 season, both of which came in 2000-01, when the Bucks took the Philadelphia 76ers to seven games in the Eastern Conference Finals.

With the Bucks struggling to put together a contending team after several years of mediocre play and no young stars to build around, a group of fans at SaveOurBucks.com gathered enough donations to put up a billboard at I-43 and McKinley encouraging the team to lose games so it earns the most ping-pong balls in the 2014 NBA draft lottery.

The Bucks have held the No. 1 overall draft pick four times in their history, but the only franchise-changing player selected was Lew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) in 1969.

Check out the billboard in the photo below, courtesy of @darrenrovell.

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