Stephen A. Smith Reacts To Charles Barkley-Kenny Smith Ferguson Debate (Audio)

The situation in Ferguson, Mo., has divided the sports world, particularly over the last week.

Charles Barkley recently referred to those looting and rioting in Ferguson as “scumbags,” prompting Kenny Smith, one of Barkley’s co-hosts on TNT’s “Inside the NBA,” to pen an open letter to his colleague. ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith, never shy about voicing his opinion, has since joined the fray.

Stephen A. Smith reacted to Kenny Smith’s open letter — written for USA TODAY’s For the Win blog — during his radio show Thursday. The ESPN personality took exception to some of what Kenny Smith wrote, especially Kenny Smith’s insistence that Barkley isn’t qualified to speak out about the situation in Ferguson, where there’s been unrest over the Michael Brown shooting.

Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was fatally shot by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson back in August. A grand jury recently decided not to indict Wilson, leading to further turmoil in Ferguson and beyond.

“I don’t understand why Kenny Smith has a problem with that, because, see to me, when you look at this country, this nation of ours, sometimes people who may be a bit less informed, who may not be as knowledgeable, who can never be confused with being an expert, sometimes it takes their bravery to tackle issues,” Stephen A. Smith said. “So that the people who should’ve been heard from all along have the courage themselves to speak up, or dare I say society as a whole will show the willingness to listen to them.”

Barkley and Kenny Smith have since discussed their differences in opinion on “Inside the NBA.”

Listen to Stephen A. Smith’s commentary below.
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