‘Saturday Night Live’ Finds DeflateGate Culprit In Opening Sketch (Video)

The NFL can stop its investigation. “Saturday Night Live” knows who’s really responsible for DeflateGate.

Just as everyone expected, NBC’s iconic sketch comedy show handled the New England Patriots’ controversy in the cold open of this week’s episode. They got to the bottom of things in a faux press conference with coach Bill Belichick, quarterback Tom Brady and “assistant equipment co-manager Dougie Spoons.”

Beck Bennett’s Belichick falls a little, well, flat, but Taran Killam’s Brady actually is pretty good. He really captures the ridiculousness of it all with lines like, “I don’t know things. I’m not a banker. I’m not a science computer.”

Still, with all the good material you can get out of this controversy, the skit just wasn’t as hilarious as you’d expect. But that was probably thanks in part to Belichick’s surreal press conference Saturday, which happened just eight hours before “SNL” aired and still managed to make it feel dated.