Fourth-Grader’s Science Project Debunks DeflateGate, Clears Patriots (Video)

The New England Patriots don’t have to worry about DeflateGate anymore because 9-year-old Sienna Keigwin has it all figured out.

The Sacramento, Calif., fourth-grader investigated the effect of temperature on footballs for her science fair project this year, and her results cleared the Patriots of any wrongdoing.

In her experiment, she put one football in the oven at 100 degrees and another in the fridge at 38 degrees. The PSI in the hot football increased, while the PSI in the cold one decreased.

“The Patriots probably didn’t cheat and the temperature does affect the PSI of footballs,” Sienna told CBS13.

Keigwin admitted to having some New England bias — her father is from Boston — but she assured CBS13 that her results were scientifically accurate.

Thumbnail photo via Twitter/@NatomasUSD