Tom Brady Wants Any Photo He Autographs To Show Good Throwing Mechanics

Tom Brady’s attention to detail on and off the field is something for which he’s often praised. But what about when it comes to autographs?

Well, the Washington Post’s Sally Jenkins learned that even signed photographs aren’t immune to the New England Patriots quarterback’s watchful gaze.

“He obsesses over his well-grooved throwing motion, to the point of vanity,” Jenkins wrote in a recent post-Deflategate profile of Brady. “Recently the head of Patriots media relations brought him a photo to autograph. Brady rejected it because he didn’t like the way his finish looked. ‘I don’t want that one — look at my mechanics,’ he said.”

So there you have it, Patriots fans. A little attention to detail truly can make a big difference — autographs included.

Thumbnail photo via Greg M. Cooper/USA TODAY Sports Images