Russian Streets Flood With Fruit Juice After Pepsi Plant’s Roof Collapses

We love cars as much as the next person, but we won’t pretend we have the knowledge of a seasoned mechanic. That said, we can only assume high fructose corn syrup isn’t supposed to go anywhere near the underpinnings of a car.

The roof of a Pepsico plant in Lebedyan, Russia, collapsed Tuesday, causing various types of juice to flood the town’s streets, according to Fortune.

The beverage company isn’t yet sure what caused the incident, and a spokesperson from Pepsi told Fortune it’s trying to “assess the situation and the impact on the surrounding area.” Although it likely was referring to the impact on the town’s infrastructure, residents’ vehicles likely were also negatively affected.

A video uploaded to YouTube by a motorist in Lebedyan reveals cars were wading through the artificially sweetened river, with the juice nearing the bottom of their doors.

Considering leaving your car in the rain for a few hours causes a small amount of rust to form on your brake discs, we can only imagine what mess these vehicles’ owners will discover in the coming days.