Watch Bill Belichick Completely Reject Tom Brady’s Bro Hug Attempt

This might be hard to believe, but for a moment, Tom Brady and Bill Belichick weren’t on the same page.

Following the New England Patriots’ Week 6 victory over the New York Jets, Belichick greeted Brady in the locker room with a handshake. But when TB12 tried to add a bro hug into the embrace, Belichick stonewalled his quarterback’s attempt at affection.

Check out the clip in all of its awkwardness below:

This isn’t the first time Brady has had to deal with rejection, though. As Patriots fans surely will remember, the five-time Super Bowl champion often has been left hanging on high-five attempts.

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Seriously, what more does Brady have to do in order to get a little love from his teammates and coaches?

Thumbnail photo via Robert Deutsch/USA TODAY Sports Images