Warriors’ Steph Curry ‘Obviously Was Joking’ About Moon Landing

Steph Curry apparently is a jokester.

After his bizarre comments on not believing anyone previously had landed on the moon, the Golden State Warriors guard admitted he was just having some fun. After his comments surfaced, NASA offered up an invitation to even prove that human life indeed had been on the moon.

After accepting the invitation, Curry revealed his true feelings.

“One thousand percent. Obviously I was joking when I was talking on the (“Winging It”) podcast,” he told ESPN. “(Then) I was silently protesting how stupid it was that people actually took that quote and made it law as, ‘Oh my God, he’s a fake-moon-landing truther,’ whatever you want to call it, yada, yada, yada. So I was silently protesting that part about it, how the story took a life of its own.”

Curry made it a point to say that just because someone says something doesn’t automatically mean one should take their word.

“I am definitely going to take (NASA) up on their offer. I am going to educate myself firsthand on everything that NASA has done and shine a light on their tremendous work over the years,” Curry said. “And hopefully people understand that education is power, informing yourself is power.

“For kids out there that hang on every word that we say, which is important, understand that you should not believe something just because somebody says it. You should do your homework and understand what you actually believe.”

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Well, at least he’s making a positive out of this whole debacle.