Patriots’ Steve Belichick Praises Bill Belichick As His ‘Role Model, Idol’

Football has consumed Bill Belichick’s life for a long, long time.

And it’s paid off, considering he’s an eight-time Super Bowl champion — six of those with the Patriots — and has led New England to 16 AFC division titles, 13 AFC Championship Games and nine Super Bowl appearances.

But Belichick is away from his family often due to football, which isn’t uncommon. And now he’s able to spend more time with his son, Steve Belichick, on the sidelines with him so now the two spend “a ton of time” together.

“Growing up under a football coach, you don’t see your dad as much as you would like to,” Steve said, per MassLive’s Chris Mason. “So it was a total flip of the script. I went from not seeing him, seeing him once, twice a week to seeing him too many hours a day. So it took a little adjusting but I couldn’t be happier. We spend a ton of time together and it’s great to learn from somebody like that.”

Steve also said his dad probably played a role in how his life has played out as a coach.

“My dad is my role model,” he said. “He’s my idol. I’ve always looked up to him. I’m sure that influenced me getting to where I’ve come. But I’m my own person and I’m just trying to be me.”

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He’s certainly learning from arguably the best to ever coach in the NFL, that’s for sure.