Tom Brady Shares Well-Wishes, Health Tips In Latest Instagram Post

Tom Brady is hoping everyone is staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Tampa Bay quarterback, who signed with the Buccaneers after 20 years with the New England Patriots, took to Instagram on Monday to share some well-wishes for everyone with an encouraging message:

“Hey guys. I hope you’re staying safe and healthy out there. I just wanted to share with you all some of the tips that we at TB12 put together,” he said. “We’re in a tough moment but I know we can overcome and it and just taking some of these small steps can really make a huge difference in your life. I try to live by them every day and not just in moments of crisis. But we have one body and we’re gonna do the best we can to take care of it. I’m with you guys, you got my support. And I know we’re gonna get through this together.”

Check out the video below:

And he posted some tips to stay healthy during this time to his Instagram story:

Wash your hands. Drink your water and stay safe.

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