Red Sox Star Chris Sale Takes Next Step In Rehab Process

Sale was back in Boston while the Red Sox were on the West Coast

Chris Sale was on the other side of the country when the Boston Red Sox took on the Oakland Athletics in the Bay Area on Tuesday night.

But the star left-handed pitcher wasn’t idle, and instead took a step toward returning to the Red Sox.

Manager Alex Cora told reporters Sale went through his scheduled bullpen session Tuesday and “felt good” following it, per’s Sonja Chen.

Sale has progressed well since landing on the injured list at the beginning of June with a stress reaction in his left scapula, even feeling a couple of weeks ago like he was ahead of schedule in his recovery.

The 34-year-old regained an ace-like form on the mound prior to his injury and after a rough start to the season. Sale went 5-2 in 11 starts with a 4.58 ERA and a 1.19 WHIP while recording 71 strikeouts in 59 innings.

The Red Sox certainly could use Sale back in the rotation as soon as possible with Boston down to just three healthy starting pitchers and using two openers every five games. Even Cora knows adding a starter is an area of need, especially when the schedule becomes more jam-packed in August with only three off days that month.

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Sale is not eligible to come off the 60-day IL until Aug. 1 and the Red Sox won’t rush him back given his recent injury history. But, it’s still a promising sign that Sale continues to make strides and could be a big boost to the Red Sox as they look to push for a playoff spot over the second half of the season.