MLB Ump Puts Yankees Manager Aaron Boone In His Place

Boone went speechless

New York Yankees manager Aaron Boone tested the patience of one Major League Baseball umpire and was quickly silenced.

In the third inning of Wednesday night’s matchup with the Toronto Blue Jays, Boone got on the wrong side of MLB umpire Bill Miller — and it made for a hilarious in-game snippet amid a discouraging 2023 Yankees campaign.

Miller removed his mask and viciously scowled the Yankees dugout, pointing at Boone and sending the New York skipper a blunt message that viewers at home heard crystal clear.

“You say something? I hope not,” Miller yelled toward Boone.

In response, Boone was silent, muttering under his breath.

The late-season frustrations from Boone are understandable, however.

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The Yankees, despite entering the season with the second-highest payroll, have laid an egg. New York took a big swing in terms of spending, but never truly contended for a postseason spot, dragged to the bottom of the standings by its second-to-worst lineup (.226 batting average). That’ll turn heads toward Boone when the blame game time comes.

Toronto proceeded to defeat the Yankees, 7-1, dropping New York to 76-75 with a dead-last finish in the American League East still in play.