Bode Miller Hits Wife in Face With Golf Shot, Sends Her to Hospital to Get 50-Plus Stitches (Photos)


Dec 14, 2012

Bode Miller had “just another one of those days” on the golf course.

No, he didn’t miss a handful of birdie putts or lose a few balls in the woods — he crushed a ball at his wife’s face in what he is calling his “first major golf catastrophe.”

His wife, professional volleyball player Morgan Miller, tweeted on Wednesday night that the former skiing champ hit her above the eye with a “160 mph line drive.” Luckily, she was wearing sunglasses and only needed 50-plus stitches instead of a glass eye.

As Bode explains it, he was trying not to hit a tree that she was hiding behind, and wouldn’t you know it, that’s exactly what happened. Check out the gruesome photos below.

Click here for more photos of Morgan Miller >>

Morgan Miller

Morgan Miller

Morgan Miller

Click here to tour Bode Miller’s home>>

Photos via Instagram/morganebeck and Twitter/@MillerBode

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