Former Celtic Antoine Walker to Begin Paying Off Gambling Debts

Starting now, Antoine Walker will probably be leading a very frugal life.

The former Celtics star, who recently racked up $900,000 in gambling debt, will pay over $12,600 per month to the Clark County’s district attorney’s bad check program in order to compensate, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

As part of the agreement, Justice Court Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson postponed binding over Walker to district court, but she gave him a stern warning that if he missed one payment, she’d renege on that “so fast it will make his head spin,” according to the Review-Journal.

Walker incurred most of his debt in three Las Vegas casinos and also owes hundreds of thousands to a Lake Tahoe casino.

If Walker becomes employed, his monthly payments could increase to $21,391 per month.