Peyton Manning, Jim Caldwell Let Off the Gas Pedal

Well, that was a little bit disappointing, now wasn’t it?

Whether you were hoping the Colts finished the season undefeated or if you were rooting hard against them, you at least wanted to see them try.

But they didn’t, and now they’re 14-1. How exciting.

Photo of the Day

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Comment of the Day

The Manny PacquiaoFloyd Mayweather Jr. drama seems to get worse by the day. All we want to see is a boxing match — can’t that just get taken care of?

In any case, fight fans are growing more upset by the day, and this one reader even invented a new term.

What do you think?  Leave a comment.

the nevada athletic comission is so silent and seems never want to step in this yourselves guys and show some uncle sam are on the forefront now.we fans want to hear straibht from you.

Video of the Day

Calgary Flames goaltender Mikka Kiprusoff has gone on the record as saying that he won’t represent Finland in the Olympics if he’s not the starting goalie.

Hey, Mikka. This video probably won’t help your cause.

Got a suggestion? Send it to the Daily Blend mailbag.