Trainer Admits to Supplying Mark McGwire With Steroids

BRISTOL, Conn. — A trainer who previously admitted
supplying Jose Canseco with steroids now says he also gave performance
enhancing-drugs to Mark McGwire.

Curtis Wenzlaff, arrested in 1992 for steroids
distribution, told ESPN's "Outside the Lines" that McGwire's goal was to get
"bigger, faster, stronger," according to excerpts released Friday. The interview
is to be broadcast Sunday morning.

McGwire last week admitted for the first time that he
used steroids and human growth hormone on and off for a decade, including when
he set the season home run record with 70 in 1998. He said he took
performance-enhancing drugs for health, not for strength.

"There are other things you can take for health that are
anabolic, but it wouldn't be that type of combination," Wenzlaff said. "If Paris
were to take that array, she could run over Dick Butkus."

McGwire, who retired as a player after the 2001 season,
was hired in October as hitting coach of the St. Louis Cardinals.